1.why is monday so far from friday and friday so near to monday? 2.we are silly girls who fall rof stupid boys… 3.good friends don’t let you go do stupid things….alone 4.I’m so high Icould eat a star 5.people say u can’t live without love…Ithink oxigen is more important… 6.I lost my teddy bear will u sleep with me? 7.If music will the food of love play on.. 8.Boys are stupider send them to jupiter! 9.Have a nice day but don’t have it with me.. 10.Rip my jeans not my heart… 11.roses are red violets are blue i have 5 fingers the middle one's for u...:) 12.i am not beauty queen i am just beautiful me... 13.a smile is the best makeup any girl can wear! 14.never forget that someone says for u when they are angry because that is when the truth comes out...:O 15.love=a form amnesia when a girl forgets there are 1.2 billion other boys in the world.